Saturday, February 24, 2007

Finding water

Did not do my morning pages as I dashed out the door this morning, arriving at work at one minute past due. Work was very very busy and went by fast. Fast is good.
So I was thinking that I should do my morning pages tonight and then decided to do them in the morning. On a new day.
I did do my artist date today which brought me into a paper/card type store. Usually I do not go out into the mall during my lunch break, prefering the quiet back of house to the noisy roiling wave of humanity that is in the mall, especially during winter break. All kids, all the time.
Today I decided to bring myself to this pretty store instead, an oasis, as an artist date. I did not bring my wallet and did not buy anything, just browsed. What occurred to me is that I could make most of the things in this store and I did not need to buy any box of cards, or rice paper prints (I have some blank sheets that I could paint on, stamp on-once I used sunflower leaves as a stamp and made my own wrapping paper.) I can even make pop up cards and origami cards, fabric cards, pen and ink cards. Not a thing did I need to buy. While I was in there the sales girl asked me some questions about what programs she needed to put on her mac and we chatted about that for a bit. Satisfied, I left. So for my first artist date, I accomplished not inspiration, but confidence. I am an accomplished artist.
I began a sentence to say what I was not, rich famous etc and then I stopped. I am an accomplished artist. That is enough.


Anonymous said...

Hi Martha,
Happy you felt this on your artist date. That is a natural high I can relate to, because it's an area I still struggle with from time to time. When first starting out in my artist careeer part-time as a career switch,I remember needing to remind myself that I *am* an artist, not "wanting to be an artist", that I *am such and such* (and to feel proud while saying it which becomes a bit easier as you practice doing so) and not apologize or preface with words that negate or put down my sense of self. It's easier said than done! (That's one of the reasons reading participating in Finding Water is vital for me.) But you DID it and you WILL again. :)

I also think it's terrific that you felt so valued that YOU could make the pretty artistic items you saw on your artist date, besides helping the sales girl with your knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Are you doing the Artist's Way? I have done morning pages for years. Although, sometimes, I just dash down unconnected sentences. I like Julia Cameron's books, and think I have gotten a lot out of them.

I had to laugh when you wrote about the store. I shop for ideas, too.

When do you have time to do all those beautiful quilts??? And, are you a Mac user, too?

Jessie said...

Martha, I got your package in the mail this weekend and I LOVE it!!! Thank you so much for sending such an absolutely perfect gift. I'm going to break in the Moleskine tonight. And I'll be starting that book ASAP!! I've always been intrigued by Out of Africa, but have never read it. If you only knew how perfect your choices were. Thank you...a million billion thank yous!!! :)