Am I a hoarder? when did I become a hoarder? It seems to be a common thread, if you will excuse the pun, amongst quilters and knitters. I think I became this way in the same way one becomes fat. You prepare for lean times, you stock up the larder, the stash, in the same way, to forestall that inevitable time when you will not be able to get to the fabric store, not be able to find the perfect thread, notion or color. Or dinner.
I was bone thin for many years and also fit most of my belongings in a foot locker. And now-not so much. I am much rounder and have a house full of supplies to create my every whim and yet I still shop for more, rather than enjoy using what I do have. I have every kind of pencil, pastel, paint, glass, fabric, fiber, needle, cutting implement, support, gesso, journal, and container for the afore listed.
And by shop I do mean spending hours on the internet- just looking .But even the looking is a waste of that most priceless commodity: time. I do not often buy now. I have stopped collecting and now wish to decrease my stash, my girth, my corporeal weight and as I do I find I am less interested in holding on to the possessions that I have accumulated. I long for minimalist clarity.
I pass by people's tag sales and I do judge. Usually I think "what a bunch of (&*^^%.". Honestly why does any one think anyone wants to purchase their old junk. The lamp with the ladies in fruity hats dancing on the base, the three legged chairs, the bedding that they bought at the church charity sale and never opened, now encased in sticky yellowing plastic.The stuff you want to throw away but hold onto out of some misguided moral compass heading.
And then I buy something. Out of guilt maybe, for being so judgmental, so unkind in my thoughts, I once bought a book about the history of Virginia as told by rodents because I felt sorry for the author at the book signing. (It was a series, no less). yep. add that to the list of noggin thumping ways of thinking.
And now I think I will go plan for my yard sale.