Saturday, October 28, 2006

Finished and ready to go

I am as pleased as punch with this quilt and I am happy to be done and finished. A turkey is done, I have heard, and I am not turkey so I guess I am finished.
Dined on sushi from a new sushi spot in the west end-----way way good. The sushi was excellent and the tiny restaurant was lit only with candles, no more than six or so tables and at the bar at the end of the room was the behatted chef deftly making delectables if you cared to watch. I alway like eating in places where I can watch the action. Alas Mike is not a sushi fan, so we picked up a slice of pizza for him in the pizza place next store, and drove home to eat by the light of the tv.
The winds are gusting outside. ("Gusty" is a word used in the seventies, in the Northeast, by cool teenagers, a shortened version of 'disgusting'. Specifically used by Dana Good, now dead some years, of cancer. Hi Dana. I am remembering you. People deserve to be remembered. Dana had a couple of false teeth in set in a bridge in his mouth and he used to take them in an out as he conversed with you. It could be somewhat disconcerting if you did not know him. And he wore converse high tops even in the bitter Vermont winter. I last saw him in 1978, when he came to visit me in Hartford. We were not lovers . Good friends. I wept when I heard he died. As you age you realize how few of us there are. Survivors, creatives, friends.)
Ramble ramble of those memory manholes that I fall into every so often.


dot said...

Great quilt. I really like the feathers. Did you do them yourself. That is something I have not conquered yet. Sushi, don't think I can go there. Glad you enjoyed it.

Angie said...

Love that quilt with the black/bright colors! And you're so right, people do deserve to be remembered. Oh boy, I could get right down maudlin with you, girl! :D Life is whirling past like a dervish.