Sunday, April 16, 2006

The munchkins

Yesterday we went to visit our nieces, Lydia and Erica, and took a drive to Greenport where the carousel was ridden and pizza was eaten and a good time was had by all. It was perfect spring day. Doesn't get any better!

We found some really neat puzzles for them that had paper doll like cut outs and they were a big hit! The dolls and clothes were wood shapes with magnetic backings so that you could stick the clothes and shoes and gloves and of course tiaras on the dolls. Then when you were done, you could but them back into their spaces like a puzzle. where were these things when I was a little girl?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have followed here from EDM board. That is a beautiful design - it reminds me of the Yarn of the Fates designs I have seen in Cycladean culture. A golden threat making a rose-like knot.