Monday, February 27, 2006


I realize, of course that the way to get good at something is to do it over and over.It has been a mixed blessing for me that many things have been easy for me without effort. Sketching is not one of them and there is a part of me that feels angry because I am not good at it all the time every time. Since blogging has opened up the incredible windows into other people's work and art I have been yearning to do more and more and this is good because it circumvents my pique at not being good enough "right here right now."
That is a flashback to my ex husband's Auntie Betty from East Kilbride in Scotland. That was her way of calling you out for a confrontation. Let's do it, right here right now. She is in heaven now laughing. She knows what it is like to be ticked off because you cannot do exactly what you want when you want it. We understood each other.
This sketch is of Bailey doing her math homework. She was being very wiggly and insisted on moving every other second or so. I like the expression.


Penny said...

This is a lovely sketch. I like the light-handedness and the bare bones lines -- you really captured a feeling I think!

quiltcontemplation blogspot said...

Thanks Penny,

Lin said...

SO SO well done!!!! Lovely face!

Kari said...

Learning to sketch is a long journey - in fact, I don't think it ever ends.

You have a lovely touch and I can see that you enjoy doing it which is half the battle.

Practice every day and soon you will achieve the results you want.

Kari x