Funny you should mention design walls...my problem is I have too
many things hanging on the wall and not enough walls. But I did
remove one painting which is now on the dining room table-along with
my printer and ironing stuff and computer!! ...and I hung some
flannel on the wall so I can play with the blocks I am making for my
round robin. It is not huge but it will 'do'.
I made an error calculating the size of my round robin border blocks
so I don't know what to do!! I will put a picture in the I am working
on it file and see what you guys think.I am thinking of putting the
blocks on point-that may work, or using different spacer blocks,
narrower.Or if I add another inch to the inner border... They did
look good in EQ5. Not to worry. I will figure something out.
So that is my story for today. You do not want to hear the one about
my vacuum! Bad words were said. I am not proud.
I did not finish my journal block due to my Photoshop disability, but
I have not lost hope! It is still in the running! I need to learn how to make a collage in photoshop. Perhaps I should refer to the book??? I promised myself that I would read the whole thing but I always end up looking up stuff as I need to.
I spent too much time last night trying to make my blog more interesting but I am not
that savvy. I could not make a links button so I guess I will have to
try again another day! It just takes too much time. I need to spend some time studying this as well. So much to learn- who could ever be bored?
bye for now