I finished one doll quilt top. It is a series of three that will not
be identical but similar in design and all in batiks. The batiks were
all from Leoni's (nickelquilts@yahoogroups.com) swap which included
nickels and noodles of batiks. A noodle is a two and a half inch
strip that runs the width of the fabric. Of course I love this size!
The design is a riff on the Seminole strip piecing that is a motif in
so many Native American designs. I made one in denim for my son in
the eighties, after seeing an article in Threads magazine, and I have
always wanted to do some more. I will see if I can get him to send me
a picture.
These doll sized quilts are the perfect thing!
You can see the EQ version of the doll quilt
that I made to use as a guide, in the basket that I bought from the Dutchess county Fair.
The basket is hand made by a man from Ghana who sold it to us and it was the only thing we bought at the craft exhibits. It is beautiful no? and I carried it around all day. It was worth it. Behind it you can see another quilt pieced from Nickels and Noodles. It is not quite done.
O and for my Cinderella Task of the Day, I retro fitted a small box
into a garbage receptacle for my room. My old plastic one, from Ikea, cracked and I am
too frugal (cheep cheep) to spend twenty dollars on a new one!