Thursday, November 23, 2006

Abundant Harvest

We will be dining with Jen and Jason and our combined families. I bring this apple crisp to the table and three of my four children will be amongst us. Katy is spending the day with her dad so we will be missing her.
I will not be dieting:) o happy day, nor driving as that is Mike's job. Nor even cooking more than this here crisp. I am recording two cds from the Glass Castle by Jeanette Wells about growing up in a dysfunctional family, to listen to on the ride to Brooklyn and thinking about what to wear. Hmmmm do I even have tights to wear with a skirt or will it be jeans as usual? probably the latter and since one of my lovely daughters has absconded with my red lipstick I shall pass on that as well.
As fo growing up in a df, well, I have my own book. I am interested to see how the book ends-if there was resolution of any kind. I do not know either what my own resolution is. I guess that is my biographers problem. Hahah In my mind I have a biographer....I crack my self up.
I hope whomever reads this has a lot to be grateful for on this day of gratitude. Today and every day. and so it is and so it ever shall be, amen.


Anonymous said...

I am beginning to think that all families are dysfunctional in some way!

Anonymous said...

I never got to read any chapters and maybe I can one day. Why dont you get you a publisher? I'm sure it's a phenomenal writing and story.

Anonymous said...

oops. you did it again. left me speechless.