If life is cyclical, then mine is at the full end of the 'accumulating things to do' cycle. I want to finish my journal quilts for November. I want to finish the Moondance quilt before Christmas. I want to re arrange my sewing room, paint it, shelve it, add a cot, a chair and new lights--well I can dream. There is no room for any more furniture. maybe if I move the fabric shelves into the closet-which is mildew-y-so maybe not. To get rid of the mildew I have to tear out bathroom on the other side of the wall and there you have a whole new to do list. Probably the floor and sub floor too, and why don't I just put in a real foundation for the house while I am at it and who is going to pay for all this?
I want to make a Charlotte doll for which I have cut out the pattern and will probably not realistically get to before next year. Next year already. Hardly seems possible.
I want to finish the two sets of sampler blocks that I have begun and think about a setting. I have four or six postcards to finish, and some knitting to begin as well. I am thinking a mobeus scarf for someone, black with a white i-cord edge. Well I have the yarn but I have not yet put it on the needle.
I want to do the Bailey portrait. Note: I said 'do' not 'finish' because I think I am going to comepletely revamp it- that is start over on an entirely new canvas, possibly smaller, or maybe not. I don't know, and I have heard it said that if you don't know what to do, don't do anything.
And I spend alot of time on the computer, which I need to abbreviate if I am actually going to get any of this stuff done.
Next year I need to also do some more glass. Maybe new windows for the front porch. What the hell there are only twelve windows...
and I need to go back to work full time and make alot of money.

Caption : I told Bailey that my generation invented the computer and she said no it did not and I said well then my generation invented food. And she cracked up. Bailey laughing.