Thursday, January 29, 2009

more fun with photos

Ok. I am addicted to photoshop elements. I am not proud. I do not need CS4. I can quit any time.
One of the nice things about being driven to work is that I can stick my iphone out of the window and take pictures. Of course I could not do this if I were the driver-not unless it was a really great picture. Sometimes I do bring my regular camera. The pictures used to make this page were taken with my phone on different mornings as Mike drove me to work , going east on the loop parkway the north up the meadowbrook parkway. I have often wanted to stop and walk with my camera but never have. It is not pedestrian friendly.
It is often beautiful if you can ignore the cars and the fact that you are hurtling through space at 70 mph-if you are to be on time-and if you are going much slower than that, the driver, who shall remain anonymous, is delivering expletives and "scrubbing " his tires to pass the poky old folks who are driving in front of us. Sometimes I feel compelled to remind him that we are the oldsters now. He is usually not receptive.

1 comment:

Cathi said...

I love that photo!