I had two days off and played scrap booking with some fun digital scrap booking stuff. I must thank Jessica Sprague,for her free tutorials, and Mary! from Mary Quilts on whose blog I found the the afore mentioned Jessica.
And if you are so inclined, the website, Scrapbookgraphics is where I bought the virtual design elements, The Valentine Kit, by Birgit Kerr, that I added to my layouts...elements are the things like back round paper, the book, the ribbons and doo dads that you place on your canvas to tell a story. The fun part of this is for me that you do not have to actually have all this stuff. It is all digital. I love this computer stuff!
The 'Basil' one has far fewer elements, but they are there in the back round and help to unify the piece.I kinda went crazy with piece for the girls, I could not stop adding things to it. There was so much cool stuff in the package that I bought. So much fun for seven dollars. Oh and photshop elements...which I had on my mac.
I did not get alot of sewing done, but did finish my second swap apron, and it is in the mail. and some more inklingoing for my Jane Austen replica. And I am relaxed and ready to go back to work.