Saturday, June 07, 2008


I have sewn together 24 more tris to make a hex. My strategy is to sew one together and then lay out the tris for the next one. I leave the un sewn pieces one on my sewing table and sew it together the next time and so on and etcetera or tricetera. The new name for my scrappy triangle quilt. Maybe from dinosaur scales? maybe from from latin etcetera meaning , and so on? combined with tri~ I guess I missed my calling as a lexicographer! what a shame for the literary world!


Candace said...

Verry Interresting! I like the dinosaur scales. Now I have to look up lexicographer, thank goodness for google.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to try this pattern one day. I have so many quilts to finish, I don't dare start another right now-lol.

I'll definitely keep this pattern in mind. It's quite impressive.