Our Christmas Moose. He sings Jingle Bell Rock when you squeeze his hoof.
Sorry I posted the picture then got distracted. This is the shawl I made for Jenny for Christmas. It was a double stranded yarn-part wool- part rayon, called Fiesta. It would have been very quickly knit on size 17 circular needles except that I did not know to double strand it-so I had to start over and when I was done, I realized that I had dropped a stitch right smack dab in the middle so I had to un knit and reknit. But the end of the story is that she was very happy with her gift and I am glad that my kids like home made gifts because I like to give them:)
I am in the process of mentally organizing myself for the next few months and i fell like my project load is managable if if if I do not add to it.
I am keeping on working on the sampler blocks-picture to follow...

and I am going to begin the 12 by 12 by 12 challenge which is to make one 12 by 12 inch block, per each of the next 12 months, which theme has been chosen, by each participant, and announced on the Quilt Studio blog ring. I have chosen 'faces' which will be fun-for me at least. I started some sketches last night and maybe it was my mood or something but they were pretty eerie. O well whatever they are what they are. I am looking forward to doing them.
Also A continuation of The Queen Anne doll class which was on haitus till January, whilste teacher Gail Wilson has been taking care of other business.
Finally I am going to do something with my Women of the Bible quilt blocks, involving combining them with some Bear paw blocks and some Inklingo half square tris that I have printed...not sure how this will work out but we will be reporting in.
As for resolutions well I will say I have been on weightwatchers since October and I have lost about eight pounds, a couple of them more than once! But I will continue to do this in the coming months.
I will not drink or smoke which is easy since I already do not do either so I am confident that I will not begin at this late date. I will not cheat on my husband-which he will reciprocate. And I may gamble a little but I will not spend the mortgage or the grocery money, All of these resolutions I think I can keep. And I will make no more.I will take some more pictures now that I have found my camera cable and I will post them later. cheers!
A word about the stupid spam messages that get planted int my comments. I like that anyone can leave a message without having to type in those stupid random letters. I hope no one minds the idiot heads that leave their spam in the comments. Just think of it as dog poop, left by inconsidrate owners on the walk, and step around it:)