Thursday, September 30, 2010

Teaching Money Matters dot com

I wish I had Deanna Schwartzman and Deanna Suckow as a teachers when I was alot younger and of a mind to listen. Actually i am not sure that those things ever occurred simultaneously. Perhaps it is never too late to learn..
I gave their book, "Money Management Manifesto", to Bailey, my one remaining teen at home (home for the moment) and she said she would be glad to peruse it as she recently realized that she needs to become more astute in financial areas. The book is a compendium of tools and references about how to avoid becoming strangled by debt while growing to adulthood.. It is designed by teachers who listened to what their readers and students needed and then wrote a book specifically designed to meet these needs. How cool is that. It is a workbook designed to be used with their book "Teaching Chidren Money Matters" with worksheets and agreements that can be used to help kids be financially aware. It is the antidote to easy credit card delusion.
A quote from their website,
'Our book "Teaching Children Money Matters: A Resource Guide For Parents, Grandparents,   Teachers and Students" includes resources you will need to help provide your children, grandchildren and students with the information and materials necessary for them to become financially knowledgeable.'
Apparently I am unable to add a picture as I am on the road at thia time so please click on the title to see their book on amazon. They also have a Facebook page and would be delighted if you looked them up and "like" their page. They are not famous authors and are thrilled each time their page gets "liked".
I plan to ask our library to add their books to the library collections.
Be healthy be happy ~Martha

1 comment:

Joan said...

Great gift to a teen Martha...wish someone had given me one at that age :)