Friday, October 17, 2008

pigtailsandsnails give away

Elizabeth is having a contest to give away this delightful sunflower quilt. Will you enter the contest? I have....who can resist sunflowers?
I am going to the New York Sheep and Wool Festival this weekend! Many sheep will lose their fleeces in the days to come. It will be nice to be there in the autumn chill, maybe buy a couple of hitherto indespensible yarny objects? Objet du Wool?
In the mean time, on the quilty front, there are diamonds being laid out in stripes and squares and snowflakes being dreamed.


Cathi said...

The pinks are so wonderful! Watch your mail -- I just posted some to you today. :-) In fact, I'm going to start working on one with one of your sets of pink diamonds this weekend. :)

Tilde said...

Ooooh, what perfectly wonderful pinks. I look forward to seeing your stars !