Sunday, July 01, 2007

July is here too soon

When the days are already getting shorter. I am feeling like I am missing the summer and I live for the summer light. I hate that it is too short. I would love to live somewhere warm, on the ocean, preferably with mountains and no earthquakes, hurricanes or tsunamis-and of course with museums, shopping, great restaurants and architecture and reasonably priced housing!
I have been absent due to a work shift. I am working more and enjoying it, but it does deplete my creative energies. Rather it redirects it I guess.
I am thrilled with all of the positive comments on Pindigo:) it does keep me motivated. here is my sewing kit which comes with me every where.In it are my pin cushion, scissors (ghinger) a couple of spools of thread, my ping templates and fabrics squares from Pinwheels, some doll quilt (two) beginings and a sewing kit where I stick my not in use pins and needls. I only keep one or two pins in the finger pin cushion while in use. All this stuff goes into the pouch and travels with me wherever I go. I don't always get a chance to work on it, but I know that I will always have it to do if I find myself with a few minutes to spare and the inclination to sew a thread or three.


Helen said...

Nothing like being prepared!

The Calico Cat said...

Ya know, it is good to see that you are not "done" with your ping quilt. I was wondering when I saw the indigo addition... Mine are still just the EPP part without the yo-yos even... I may do mine differently that the original as well... I kind of want to use the light-lights on something else... :o)