This morning;s rain left the back yard green and lush.
It has been a very busy week. Which is a good thing. And I got a short short haircut and I like it until tomorrow when I wake up and it will be strangely sticking up all over the place.heheh. I have no pictures of my hat cut yet. hat cut. That is what Bailey called it.
Last weekend we dropped Bailey off at Pace for a week workshop in eco save the world something. She is enjoying it. We need to have the world saved so I hope she learns how.

working on a painting of bailey. here it is in the ugly stage and I am going to collage it with rice paper and encaustics. I have even printed on the rice paper and I have even cleaned off my table and I am really really going to do this!

One of my painting teachers once said that you should not worry about likeness because in a hundred years no one will know the difference. This is a major procrastinastion point for me because I always paint people I know and~~ I want it to look like them. This is why I am going to segue into another medium, to force myself to look at the whole picture and stop obsessing over likeness. Wish me luck! You can see I have started to add the paper-just taped a bit on to see what I could see. A first tentative step. Tomorrow I take it off the easel and lay it flat on my encaustics table. Let the melting begin. o and I should mention it is almost life size. I like to work big.
.... for something completly different: Mike made me submit some pieces for publication. Why is this so hard for me to do?
any way it is done. I am not responisble for the outcome. I just have to do the work and the results will be what they will be.