Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Dolls in Progress-Gail Wilson's Designs

Here they are still armless and legless, drying in their respective devices. Their heads are shaped a little different due to the stretching habits of the different fabrics. But I am not going to let that bother me. Well it did a little at first but I decided I quite like them each for their own distinctions. I do have a few finishing touches to add, highlights and some hair details-but for the most part the painting is finished.
For any one who is captivated, as am I, by these reproduction dolls, you can see more like them at Gail Wilson's website, by clicking on the title. And I do mean captivated.
I would wax loquacious but it is too hot. So hot that my camera lense fogged over and had to be cleaned and acclimated to the unaltered air of the main part of our little hut-which does not have ac except in the bedrooms. I really do not mind except on days when everything sticks-like today for instance, a scorcher if there ever was one. Ah but I do love summer, even on days when the sunflowers drop their petals and the cat sheds his hair in clumps as he slowly saunters through the house looking for one cool spot, one shaded place to plunk his fat self down to rest and dream of cooler haunts." sleep, perchance to dream.."


Hanne said...

Oh how lovely these dolls heads look Martha ! Me, who have no soft heart for dolls are amazed by these :-)

stuffed said...

Lovely. :)

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