"The View from the Studio Door" is by Ted Orland. I haven't begun it yet beause I do not have it.I am sending check today. Melanie Testa is hosting discussion group on her blog which is linked in the title of this page.
Lately my chorus of inner critics have been having a party in my head. Their names are Not Important, Too Old, Too Fat, Too Sad, Nobody Cares, Fatigue and Unworthy. Not Important and Unworthy are twins but they are not identical twins. They are especially loud when it comes to writing and painting-and really really loud when when I entertain the idea of publishing or --be still my heart--selling my work.
So here is my plan. I am exposing them. They hate the light. And I am going to try to be indifferent to their raucus and clamourous intrusion. I plan on playing music and books on tape as a first line of defense.
And daily practise and taking care of myself and most important I am going to .....what ? I don't know yet. That is why I am here, to figure that out. Writing about the chorus is a way to route them out. Sometimes they surprise me when I become aware of how constant they have become. Can I eradicate them? Silence them? Or at least minimize their influence? That is the plan.
Yesterday when I posted the poem, I felt very vulnerable and almost did not share it. Too Sad and Nobody Cares were working on me. But I put on my armor and posted away. I am ready to fight for my art.