Sunday, August 29, 2010

Vury vury bizzy

phew! this month has been a whir of activity. guests and crisis' and a trip to Cupertino and a wonderful reunion in Vermont. OMG.
First. It was fabulous to have my friends here. Stalwart and supportive and I hope they had a good time. I regret that our family was being bombarded with one crisis after another which sidelined me and made me a less than gracious hostess. At the least I will recall it as a memorable visit!
Vermont. Sigh. A visit to our collective past and a gift of the greatest magnitude.A meeting of souls that remember each other in this life from nearly half a century ago.
My children growing and experiencing hard truths and I hope it makes them better people. My hope is that these lessons will be embraced and recycled into art and beautiful lives.
And a bum knee which needs looking after. bone cyst & tendonitis? that kind of diagnosis from the mri. I will try to learn more tomorrow if I can get in to see the doctor.
And bright and shiny Cupertino which was amazing. I came home and slept for 14 hours just to process some of the vast mountain of information that I tried to soak in. I met some talented and even brilliant people in whose company I was honored to be tutored in the craft that I practice in my job of teaching computer mysteries to adults.
As for my art and my craft, I have carried my wool and my cotton around  with me from the northeast to the san francisco bay and occasionally even took a stitch  here and there. I hope September has more time and space for  stitching. and that is what she said.

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