Self Portrait in 1980

Reading the posts in a group that I belong to called "everydaymatters". It is a wonderful group of artists, hosted by
Danny Gregory, author and artist. There is a wiki page and a yahoo group also..
I mentioned in a previous post the little demons that keep me from my artstic endeavor and one more has revealed itself and its name is Lack. I am afraid to use up all of my precious materials. For most of my life I could not afford any.Or I did not allow myself to have them. Or I had too many kids-whatever...Now that I have become a lover of fine art suppies it is scary how much stuff I have and I love it all! Now I need to go and use it all up. Anyone else scared by the sound of this? Shudder.
Still sapped by this bronchitis scourge. Not feeling as bad but not really able to breathe either. Knitting is good when you are chair ridden.
Folded book made from watercolor paper, cover made with paper from Thailand. I read that the paper from Thailand is made from a plant that does not have to be killed in order to harvest the paper making pulp which is different from other methods that use the inner part of the plant.
Closed book
The idea for this book is from a book called "Making and Keeping Creative Journals" by SuzanneTourtillott. I bought the paper from
ArtPaper.comI went Yarn shopping this weekend.

The blue is the almost
ready to be felted bag mentioned
in a previous post. The green
wool and luscious
Maliziais for my next project.
There is a wonderful place in
Greenport, New York called
Now and Zen Yarns.
If you love yarn,
you will love this store.
The owner, Christine Henson, is so nice and she
is excited about her work.
It is a blissful place to shop.
Her very nice mom was
there too.