Saturday, March 16, 2013

pre dawn deep

4 a.m.
it was one hundred o/clock
and the tide was low low low
the receding water laid bare and dry the 
artifacts of doubt and indecision
the cat snored and the radiators rattled

still in the night 
no meaning would be extracted

laying inconsolable in the shallow tidal pools
Gulliver like 
tied tightly by eleventy thousand bonds of reason 
all the while knowing beyond certainty that 
the tide would soon come in and re submerge the clues of 
self restriction  
where they would sway  and wave and shimmer in the phosphorescence
like lovers leaving forever on the conveyance of your choice here

Monday, March 11, 2013


Have you heard of
    recently I started to read of bloggers who were either giving or taking some of the classes. It is a nifty platform and great if you want to take a class conveniently and most definitely less expensive than taking one in person. 
     My latest class is with Natalie Chanin of Alabama Chanin and it is swoon worthy-- Hand Embellishing Knit Fabric. I have ordered the fabric and stencil and look forward to many happy hours of hand sewing.  I already received the pattern (Donna Karan V1263) and while I wait for the fabric to arrive, I may use it with some  fabric I already have just to get started on something!
     !!!There are some free classes for you to try out if you want to give Craftsy a test run. There are classes at all levels of expertise in knitting and sewing, cooking, beading and more. A virtual plethora of classes- from nationally recognised artists and crafts people and none of the classes are more than 40 bucks. If you have ever paid for an actual in person workshop you will know this is a great price. I am not affiliated in any way but I am well pleased with my expereince there and thought I would share. I have taken the serger class and a class by Susan Anderson in how to knit a giraffe as well as some others that are in my queue:)
   I love the internet!