Gratuitous cat picture-Poppet the lap cat |
This year in my house the plan is to give everyone something hand made. Even if it is just a small something. Some will get a more involved
thing gift than others but each one will get something made by me. I am considering not buying anything at all.
Maybe working in a mall for these last four years has inured me to the charms of consumerism, or maybe I am just lazy and do not want to go shopping. In either case, I am not going.
So far I have made lavender sachets, using left over four patches, and lavender harvested in the east end lavender farms, and the socks and mittens noted in the last post. I have a pattern for a doll for the one child who will stop by, which I may attempt to make while she is still young enough to like dolls, and I may makes some ornaments for the adults. I do not have time to knit hats for all or mittens or socks for all. But each item will have my time and consideration and perhaps that is what gifts should be about. After all, all of my children are nearly completely grown up.
look inside the cube -on the floor |
Of course I have not been struck yet by the yearly Christmas Eve panic -the one where in I get catapulted into the crowds at the last minute, for the one gift that I was unable to get to, where I walk through the near empty store gazing with glassy eyes at the ravaged displays under the gaze of the exhausted underpaid employees, the ones who drew the short straw and who just want to be outta there and do not care in the least about my tear streaked, crumpled list that I slaved over, while I try to find that one item that clearly and unequivocally proves for all time how much I really do care.
But at the moment, sitting here on my couch and my hot coffee, this seems an unlikely scenario. Of course I do not know what will happen if I am overcome by the panic.......
holidaze past at the mall |
Now if I could just get off this computer and get busy sewing. There are sachets to be assembled.