Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Its been a tick tock

 I decided I like this blog. It is almost invisible but I get to come here and meet myself. To dwell in that part of myself that i wish to view, to consider my gains and losses. 

I have been making dolls as though it will heal me. For some things there is no healing. Just enduring. But I make them and I hope that they will make somebody smile. That isn't a bad thing. That they contain energy is a thought & thought is an energy. So is love.

Here are some dolls I made from recent class with Fabs of Fig & Me. She is a master of doll making and a good teacher as well. 

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

playing with paper

Contemplating  a new quilt
I am slower
Saving this site as a bookmark. Been playing with paper.

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Log cabin along

Julie K is hosting a log cabin quiltalong and I am joining in.  I have a pile of indigos from my trip to Houston with Bailey and Kevin and Mike last year and I think they would be a great log cabin. Maybe a COurthouse Steps or maybe more traditional. I love the 4-inch size that Julie used. Wish me luck! I have been doing a lot more painting than sewing this year. But that is for another page.
sketch for a log cabin 2018

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Been a while since I have posted here. but I thought I would stop in and say hi. Hi. I did a little painting this last year. This fisrt group is are some results from a class I took from Amanda Evanston.

I also did some encaustics earlier in the year but had to cease due to ventilation issues. I will resume using encaustics in the summer when I can open windows. I also played with India ink, digital images, started a couple of new quilts and submitted three manuscripts to different places. I was sick for a good part of the year - chronic has become a new word in my vocabulary- which made me feel like I wasn't doing much since I could not go very far, but I did a lot of sitting work I guess and we did get to Houston to see Kevin and Bailey and got to go to the quilt show which was so cool.
ink and encaustic

India Ink and White gel pen

Bailey at the International Quilt Festival In Houston
So thats what I've been up to. How about you?

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Dear Jane Blocks.

I have been making these small blocks. They are addictive. I started with row a and then jumped to row m, incapable of following a linear path. I have been posting them on instagram but I decided to add them here as well because I have not been able to let go of this blog. Not sure why. Maybe because it was my first. 

oops, not a dj block.
 but a concurrent project. My aim is to use up my stash.  

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Bee keepers quilt and poems.

I have this pattern
but the better part of sanity has kept me from such a start. But I am still

BY THE WAY I am still writing poems but have begun to post them on wordpress. is the link. if you are so inclined you can follow me there.
And yes I have made a couple of hexipuffs. If you must know....

Tuesday, December 06, 2016


So I am still here, although I have made another blog on wordpress where there are more recent posts. this one seems to have been archived and I haven't really paid attention to it, so there is that. Most of the writing I have saved elsewhere.
So what is new with you?